Make sure you know your pricing principles. Agency clients in particular may require pricing based on either page, row, character or word numbers. Once you’ve kept the diary and found out how much finished text you can produce in an hour, it’s easy to calculate how much to charge per unit. However, in general, you need a certain amount of income per hour/day/week in order to achieve your desired profit, i.e. income level. At that point, it doesn’t matter which invoicing principle the client asks for – you don’t have to use the same rate or basis for every language pair and text type. After all, only you can make sure that your rates are profitable. All commissions are not equally lucrative, but sometimes it’s better to take those less profitable commissions in the name of good customer service. However, if your entire order book seems unprofitable, something is wrong. Usually the problem is either with the rates or the client base.
Set a minimum price for your work. In addition to translating, with each work assignment you must receive the commission, deliver and archive the translation, and send an invoice to the client. Keep in mind that your minimum price should reflect all this additional work. Is it worth the effort to translate for ten euros, even if the translation consists of one single sentence? Regular clients often claim that they routinely offer you work and therefore don’t want to pay the minimum price. A translation agency may have a large direct client from whom they don’t demand minimum prices. But you might translate the said client’s texts only once or twice a year, and thus it is up to the agency to settle on a price with the client.
You should regularly do profitability estimates and adjust your pricing accordingly. For a client, minor annual hikes in prices are easier to digest than huge increases every five or ten years. If you offer discounts or charge extra, be sure to justify it to both yourself and your client. Apply discounts and additional charges consistently.