For those interested in language or translation, there are a large number of relevant groups on Facebook. These groups are also well suited for networking, and it is easy to create your own Facebook groups and discussion areas. You can set these as hidden from public view if need be. Keep in mind Facebook’s privacy settings – you can use your settings to determine who gets to view your message on each post.
LinkedIn is a kind of professional Facebook where you can network with professionals from your own industry as well as from others. LinkedIn also works as an online CV, and you can use it to recommend colleagues. On LinkedIn, you should focus on showcasing your qualifications and keeping your professional profile up-to-date.
Twitter is an entirely public forum. Anyone can follow and converse with anyone else. It’s easy to find accounts worth following, and you can even tweet about professional matters – within the bounds of discretion and confidentiality, of course. An active user gets the most out of Twitter. You should focus on the proper use of hashtags, as well as writing a good Twitter bio, so that followers can find your profile.
There are several different sites for sharing photos and videos, such as Instagram, Snapchat and Periscope. Using any of these would entail a willingness to share visual content about your life and/or work.
As with all interaction, you should consider your best approach online. Your preferred method of communication will always be the most effective. There are different organizations that offer social media training, and proper training is never a waste.
Some of the common hashtags for translation are #xl8, #translation, #translators, #translatorslife, #t9n, #t9njobs, and #1nt.